Discipline, Rules Regulations

Violation of disciplinary rules will result in dismissal. Excuses, explanations and apologies will not be considered or accepted when a student fails to observe the rules and regulations.

  1. Uniform
    • On all working days except Wednesday the uniform is
    • For Boys: White Shirt (half sleeves), Sky blue shorts / long pants for students of (Std. VI to XII), Black Shoes, Blue socks, school tie and school belt.
    • For Girls: White shirt and Sky blue pinafore (LKG to Std. V), Sky blue and White Salwar Kameez with half sleeves, round collared neck with sky blue over coat (Std VI to XII) White ribbon (Std. I to XII).
    • Plaited and folded hair is the norm of the school
    • On Wednesdays and all stipulated days
    • For Boys: House banian and White shorts / Long pants.
    • For Girls: White skirt with House banian (LKG to Std V), White Salwar Kameez with house coat (Std VI to XII).

    *Note : 1. Students are not permitted to enter the school campus without the uniform on working days.

    *Note : 2. On Saturdays when examinations or test are conducted, the uniform will be ‘Blue shorts / long pants and White Shirt’.

    *Note : 3. Students will bring their House Banian and a pair of White synthetic shoes for use during the P.T. classes.

  2. Attendance
    1. The hours of attendance are from 08.25 a.m to 3.15 p.m with an interval of ten minutes, from 10.05 a.m. to 10.15 a.m. a Lunch break of thirty minutes from 12.15 p.m to 12.45 p.m and another interval of ten minutes from 01.55 p.m to 2.05 p.m.
    2. Late-coming to school is punishable. Any boy found coming late on five occasions and more during the course of the year will be severely dealth with.
    3. No students should be seen outside the classroom during class hours.
    4. No leave of absence will be granted except on written application of the parents, submitted sufficiently early.
      The application must clearly state the specific reason for which the leave of absence is required. If it is found at a later date that leave of absence was obtained on false grounds, it will be treated as a grave offence. No leave of absence will be granted for pilgrimages, ‘ear-boring’ ceremonies, betrothals, etc.
    5. Students who for unexplained reasons, absent themselves from school for five days and more in succession are struck off the rolls and as a rule are not readmitted.
    6. If a student is absent due to illness, the Principal must be informed at once and the student must produce a Medical Certificate when he comes to school if the absence is long.
    7. Habitual late coming and irregular attendance are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a student.
  3. Decency, Decorum & Conduct
    1. Shabby dressing and long unkempt hair will not be permitted.
    2. Students are not allowed to address any authority in a body.
    3. Organizing or attending meetings, inside or outside the campus, or collection of funds, for any purpose, without the permission of the Principal is forbidden.
    4. All students shall respect the teachers and obey them.
    5. Students are not allowed to bring into the school Newspapers, Periodicals, Obscene Pictures, Electronic gadgets like Cell phones, i-pods, digital cameras, Pen drives, etc.
    6. At all times only English should be used in the School. Violation of this rule is punishable.
    7. Every boy is expected to keep the high tone of the school by excelling in conduct, good manners and cleanliness, both in and out of the school.
    8. Whatever be the damage done to school property, it must be made good by the student concerned.
  4. Dismissal
    1. Boys addicted to evil habits like smoking, drinking, etc. or indulging in undesirable activities, whether inside the campus or outside will be dismissed.
    2. Damage to school property, disfiguring of walls, indecent language or behavior are punishable offences, and will result in dismissal.
    3. Malpractice in examination / tests is a grave offence, and will result in dismissal.
    4. No groupism is permissible and will be punished with dismissal.
  5. Private Tuitions
    1. Private tuitions are not encouraged.
    2. Private tuitions, if required and found necessary and have to be arranged in the school, require permission of the Principal.
    3. Any private tuition, without the knowledge of the Principal will be considered a grave offence. Students, parents and teachers should make a special note of this.
  6. To the Parents & Guardians
    1. Parents / Guardians are expected to get themselves acquainted with all the rules and regulations of the school and help their children to observe them strictly.
    2. Parents and Guardians are earnestly requested to enforce regularity and discipline; to see that their children complete them assignments and devote at least one hour in the morning and two hours in the evening everyday for study.
    3. Change of address of Parents or Guardians should be notified to the School without delay.
    4. The presence of the parent at the "Parent-Teacher" meeting is compulsory.
    5. Parents are not permitted to go to the class-rooms during class hours in order to meet their children or the teachers without the permission of the principal.
    6. A boy who fails twice in the same class shall leave the school.
    7. Whenever the school organizes a tour, parents will be informed of it in writing. The school authorities are not responsible for any unauthorized tour or picnic.
    8. As the behavior of a student reflects the conditions at home to a great extent, the parents are to provide a loving, conductive atmosphere at home.
    9. Entries will be made by the teachers concerned in the school Diary whenever a boy fails to do well in school. Hence parents are expected to go through the relevant pages of the School diary everyday.
    10. Leave Letters are to be submitted by the Parents personally; for ‘Go betweens’ have been found to cause a lot of inconvenience with irresponsible / embarrassing behavior often leading to a suspicion about the genuineness of the application for leave.
    11. No gift shall be presented to any of the staff (unless explicitly permitted by the Principal)
    12. Parents / Guardians should ensure that their children are well-fed everyday before they attend school.
    13. Parents / Guardians of students with congenital defects should notify the Principal in writing. Parents / Guardians are also requested to fill in the special record given in the diary.
Aim and Obejectives

The aim of good school should be to provide a well rounded education for its pupils. The school aims at inculcating, integrity, trust, religions, compassion and tolerance, to see that courage and industry have the due reward and also to promote a spirit of enquiry in the young minds. The pursuit of excellence courage at our school rests on the positive belief that every individual has the ability to produce work of exemplary standards

We believe that student’s own family by their intelligence, interest and co-operation can make the young person’s education important and meaningful. They can help keep life simple inspite of the tangle of stimuli with which the modern world confronts us.

We believe that we are training students to take the places among other human beings with confidence in our nation’s great tradition and the courage to adopt them to the challenges of the changing world. The school has thus to enlist the co-operation of the home, strengthen its influences and make itself a radiant replica of the home.

Library Rules
  • The library will open from 8.30 am. To 3.30 p.m. From Monday to Friday.
  • Every student of the school is a member of the library and he/she is entitled to borrow books.
  • Books can be borrowed for a period of 7 days. (i.e.) 1 week.
  • Books should be returned on the due date mentioned.
  • Delayed return of books will not be permitted.
  • If returned after the due date an over due charge of Rs.1/- per day will be collected.
  • The students are expected to handle the books carefully.
  • Names should not be written in the library books.
  • Scribling or underlining should not be done in the books borrowed from the library.
  • Reference books will not be lent and can only be read in the library.
  • Loss or damage caused to library books should be borne by the readers.
Extra curricular Activities Training Programme
  1. The following courses are offered under this programme during this extended hour i.e. 3.15 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. on all working days.
  2. Every student is expected to enroll himself / herself in any of the activity.
  3. The performance of the student in extra-curricular activities will be taken into account for the ward of academic proficiency prizes during School Day Celebration.
  • Music (Instrumental : Keyboard & Guitar)
  • Boxing
  • Cricket
  • Chess
  • Basket Ball
  • Table Tennis
Office Hours
  • Daily 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon (on all days except Sundays and holidays)
  • Parents or guardians are requested not to meet the teachers or enter the class rooms or staff room during school hours. All enquiries must be made at the office in person or in writing.
Principal Visiting Hours

Parents may meet the Principal regarding their ward on all working days between 9.30 a.m. and 10.30 a.m. or only by appointment.