Violation of disciplinary rules will result in dismissal. Excuses, explanations and apologies will not be considered or accepted when a student fails to observe the rules and regulations.
*Note : 1. Students are not permitted to enter the school campus without the uniform on working days.
*Note : 2. On Saturdays when examinations or test are conducted, the uniform will be ‘Blue shorts / long pants and White Shirt’.
*Note : 3. Students will bring their House Banian and a pair of White synthetic shoes for use during the P.T. classes.
The aim of good school should be to provide a well rounded education for its pupils. The school aims at inculcating, integrity, trust, religions, compassion and tolerance, to see that courage and industry have the due reward and also to promote a spirit of enquiry in the young minds. The pursuit of excellence courage at our school rests on the positive belief that every individual has the ability to produce work of exemplary standards
We believe that student’s own family by their intelligence, interest and co-operation can make the young person’s education important and meaningful. They can help keep life simple inspite of the tangle of stimuli with which the modern world confronts us.
We believe that we are training students to take the places among other human beings with confidence in our nation’s great tradition and the courage to adopt them to the challenges of the changing world. The school has thus to enlist the co-operation of the home, strengthen its influences and make itself a radiant replica of the home.
Parents may meet the Principal regarding their ward on all working days between 9.30 a.m. and 10.30 a.m. or only by appointment.