About Us

A feeder school of Santhome Higher Secondary School called Montfort Preparatory School was inaugurated by His Grace the Late Archbishop of Madras-Mylapore the Rt.Rev.Dr.Louis Mathias on 26th June, 1965.

The aim of the school is to guide the children from an early age and give them a sound foundation in general education and to develop in them moral and social habits as envisaged by St.Montfort. In June 2005, Montfort Preparatory School was raised as a Matriculation School and recognized by the Government of Tamilnadu and named "Montfort Academy Matriculation School".

In June 2013 Montfort Academy Matriculation School was upgraded as Montfort Academy Matriculation Higher Secondary School.

Our priorities in education are not only academic excellence, but also formation of youth, in discipline, hardwork, moral and religious values. These priorities are meant to prepare the youth for life by promoting intellectual excellence, uprightness of character, emotional maturity, scientific attitude, spirit of healthy competition, co-operation, sportsmanship through co-curricular activities, moral sensitivity to the needs and rights of other - especially to the less privileged ones, religious tolerance and national integration.