Computer Education Centre (C.E.E)

The installation of New Computers with the up-dated Softwares, has taken the Computer Literacy Programme in Montfort to a new dimension. To keep up with fast moving computer world, a visualized screen is used as a teaching aid where the K.G. students enjoy watching educational and entertainment C.D’s including listening to nursery rhymes. The students of Std. I & II are taught note pad and Paint brush which brings out their creative imagination. A structured syllabus is followed from Std. III to Std. IX.

Students Activities

In order to provide for an all round development of students, various activities are encouraged and promoted. Some of these co-curricular activities are conducted outside class hours. Students desirous of participating in any of the activities should produce a permission letter from the Parent or Guardian.

Every student of Std. V is expected to take part in atleast one discipline of Sports and Games and one club activity. Parents should encourage their children to join in club activities and benefit from the same.

Sports and Games

Special coaching is given in Cricket and Table Tennis to tap the talents of the young. Physical Education is given as much importance as any other academic subject. At the primary stage itself the youngsters are trained in various physical skills. They are also introduced to most of the games, in order to participate in zonal, district and state meets conducted by the Education department.

Cubpack & Bulbul Flock and Scouts & Guides

The Montfort Cubs and Bulbuls are being taken care of by well trained staff members. The weekly training sessions culminate in an Annual Holiday. Their activities include training to secure Proficiency badges which leads to the "GOLDEN ARROW AWARD". Through these activities they develop the values of selfless service, teamwork, responsibilities and leadership.

Music / Dance Club

Dance is the most beautiful from of art, because it is not mere translation or abstraction from life, it is life itself. In Montfort, dance is a part of the curriculum. The students are taught classical dances as well as the folk dances, which help them to discipline their mind and body, and bring the rhythm of life.

Art and Craft Club

A number of opportunities are provided for the young artists to demonstrate their talents through the various programmes organized in the school.

For the talented young with a creative mind, the Art Club provides a whole lot of opportunities for self expression and creativity. Agile and deft fingers are taught to create master pieces with paints and brushes. They also learn to make gadgets and models.

Junior Literary Society (JLS)

The junior Literary Society is the main stream of all cultural curricular and co-curricular activities in Montfort. In amalgamates the activities of the school in all the fields by finding enough opportunities for the talented ones at various celebration spread over the academic year. Members of this society will be honoured by special certificates. There will be two type of membership viz. permanent members and associated members. Every year, there will be only 60 permanent members in JLS. They will be selected on merit basis. This JLS has its own language lab.

Practical Tours

Children are taken to places of interest and historical importance to gain from hand experience. For the kids of L.K.G. and U.K.G. it is a half day’s programme, while for the seniors is a full day’s programme.